1. Item delivery price varies depending on the destination country and order size.
2. If a customer is willing to receive the item to his/her place of residence, he/she shall be obliged to provide the precise address indicating the number of the appartment and the house, street name, city, country and contact telephone number.
3. The items shall be delivered by the courier service provider.
4. After transferring the item to the courier we will inform you by text message or by e-mail.
5. Before arriving at your place of residence the courier will inform you about the intended delivery time by calling you or by sending you a text message.
6. Delivery time:
– Delivery time in Europe union countries: 2-5 work days.
– Delivery time in Great Britain (United Kingdom) and Ireland: 4-12 work days.
– Worldwide delivery time: 4-12 work days.
7. Delivery time can take up to 15-20 business days for wholesale or discounted product orders (Orders with 5 or more products inside one shopping cart).
8. This delivery period shall not apply if the item chosen by the buyer is not in stock or in case of unforeseen circumstances the seller is not responsible for.
9. The buyer shall be bound to receive the ordered items personally or they shall be received by the person indicated in the delivery information. In other cases the buyer does not have a right to make a claim stating that the item had been delivered to the wrong person.
10. The seller shall not be held liable for the delivery of the items if the items are not delivered or are not delivered on time when the buyer shall be held responsible for the delay or under the circumstances the buyer shall be held liable for.
11. The goods are delivered over: United states, Canada, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Finland, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, France, Slovakia, Germany, Great Britain (United Kingdom), Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Sweden, Hungary, Ireland, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain , Portugal, Romania, Switzerland, Norway, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania.
* The goods are also delivered outside the USA, Canada and European Union. For details about the specific delivery costs please refer to the website of product purchase process or contact us by e-mail info@teddyway.com or send us a contact message in the contacts page.
12. Our production delivery companies: DHL Global, DPD Europe, Postnord, Venipak.