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Big Plush Lion, Soft Toy, 130 Cm, 51 Inches, 4.3 Feet, Yellow, Leo



Big plush lions are real kings of the home!

Big plush lions – the king of the beasts slowly stands up on all fours, shakes its golden mane, takes a deep breath, and then a loud roar erupts from the depths of its throat. Every detail of this impressive animal simply spreads the greatness.

It is, therefore, no wonder that large plush lions are so popular. Both children and adults love them. Little ones usually choose lions for various games. They spend time with lions actively, carry them as protection, and fall asleep with the lions when they are tired. The brave lion protects them at night and allows them to dream beautiful dreams peacefully.

Meanwhile, adults choose this plush toy as an interior detail, which emphasizes their strong character. After all, most of the characteristic details of a lion are reflected in plush toys. Probably because of that many people want to get a piece of that greatness and courage. After all, “Brave as a lion” is said for a reason.

Hugging a giant stuffed lion makes sleep sweeter

But do not make the mistake of thinking wrongly about lions, because they have another side of theirs, which is very sweet and cozy. Did you know that real giant stuffed lions can sleep or rest for up to 20 hours a day? An incredible number! In the wild, lions can be seen lying on the back with their legs up or dozing in the shade.

Lions behave in a very loving way with each other while lazing around. They rub their heads at each other and purr. A plush copy of lion probably best of all toys reflects its living counterpart. After all, we find the toy where we have left it – lying on the bed or on the ground. The real king of sleep. Next to such a sleeper, it is much easier to fall asleep oneself.

Which movie character does your large plush lion looks similar to?

Lions are so majestic that they are very often depicted in various films, series, and even in cartoons. Everyone has probably seen more than one version of the cartoon “The Lion King” or series of the legendary “Madagascar”. Not to mention feature films “The King of the Jungle”, “The Chronicles of Narnia”, “The Wizard of Oz”. In each of these films, lions play the most prominent roles, as if they were destined to become stars.

Let one such star shine at your home. Its brightness will warm you when you will be cold. The soft fur of the plush lion will kindly snuggle you up to itself when you will wish to be hugged. And its impressive appearance will inspire you to go on brave hikes and will help you forget all fears that hamper you.

Lastly, having a lion at home will really make you wish to watch, curled up warmly both together, one or another film about this fascinating animal. You will be able to guess which character your lion is reminiscent most. Maybe you will even name it after this character?

Plush lions are playmates

Don’t forget that lions are sort of kittens. Just a little bigger. But they have the same gene of playfulness. So, large plush lions will be great game companions. While hiding among flowers, imagine that you are in the scrub land of savannah and are stalking prey. Together with the lion, you will try whose roar spread over more kilometres. You will compare each other’s mane to see which one is longer and shinier.

And you will lie down tired and imagine that the bright sun of Africa is shining over your head. There are lots of games. In addition, you are not alone who may like them. It is said that every cat dreams of being a lion. So, if you have a real cat at home, you will be able to check that. Maybe the plush lion will become the best friend of not only yours, but also of your pet? Or maybe you all three will come up with fun games?

Gentle hugs of the king of the beasts

To reflect its power, the plush lion is made of durable materials, which retain their original look even after several washes. The strong seams will withstand even the loudest roar during games.

And the soft fur and gentle mane will snuggle you up when you will feel desire to rest. You can safely hold this toy against your face because it is made without using materials that are harmful to health, and the toy is filled with anti-allergic silicone fibre details.